Elder Mediation and Intergenerational Family Mediation and Facilitation
Elder mediation and intergenerational family mediation and/or facilitation services can help in resolving conflicts and improving communication within families. Mediation and facilitation services can address topics that are often difficult such as residence decisions, distribution of caregiving responsibilities, safety and health concerns, wills and estates, and the sale of the family home.
MVMC Elder and Intergenerational Family mediators can provide you with mediation sessions to discuss these topics. Please contact MVMC at 508.693.2999 to schedule an intake call. We are here to help.
““Mediation gave me a voice . . . I was able to speak for myself in an environment where my family was encouraged to try to come up with positive constructive solutions that everyone could buy into. We were able to listen to each other instead of just reacting as we have for so many years.””