Introduction to Mediation Course Begins September 27, 2022

Our next Introduction to Mediation Course will begin on Tuesday September 27, 2022. There are two sections.

Section One: Mediation Basics––6 sessions Tuesdays September 27–November 1

Section Two: Mediation Qualification––6 sessions Tuesdays November 15–December 20.

The cost for each six-session course is $150–$350 based on your ability to pay. Scholarships are available. Mediation Basics is available for in-service teachers for no fee––PDPs available. Please email for more information or register here.

Take a Course This Fall

"MV Mediation has great courses! You should learn with them. Great people, and I had fun."  That’s what one of our participants said after taking two courses. Here is the schedule for our fall courses. Sign up today. Course schedule