MVMP to Waive Mediation and Conflict Coaching Fees through June 2020

Nancy Grundman, Program Coordinator

As we all continue to comply with guidance to stay home until the public health crisis has improved, we would like to let you know what is happening with MVMP. We are continuing to provide our Conflict Coaching and Mediation services by conference call or by video conferencing. 

We have also been able to continue with many of our courses, trainings and workshops. We recently finished our Conflict Coaching class and are finishing up our Conflict Resolvers Course geared towards those individuals involved in public service. Both have continued through video conferencing. We will be rescheduling our Intro to Mediation class to the Fall. If you are interested in signing up please email us. 

Our Youth Mediators continue to meet through video conferencing to continue their training. Technology has given us the ability to continue operating even though everyone is in different places.

We, at MVMP, understand how stressful life is presently, 

  • some are learning new ways of working remotely and a new way to deal with colleagues, 

  • some are dealing with new financial realities,

  • some are dealing with family issues, and

  • some have previously unresolved small claims cases.

In solidarity with the Island Community and in order to do our part, MVMP will waive its fees for Conflict Coaching and Mediation Services until the end of June. We are committed to continue to help Islanders. As our tag line says, We Can Work it Out!

If you would like to make a donation to MVMP please go to and go to Donate.