40 Days of Resolution at Home | Day 29: Belonging

Day 29: Belonging

By: Sara Barnes

The problem of the twenty first century is othering. The solution is belonging.

These are the words of Dr. john a. powell who has dedicated his life to teaching and writing about othering, belonging and what he calls bridging; the way to get from one to the other.

Here is more of what powell has to say about belonging:

“Belonging, as I am using it, means having the right to fully participate in and co-create the world you live in. Belonging means your story is fully seen and valued. Belonging means having the right to make demands on systems and structures. Belonging is being respected as an equal human being with full dignity...Belonging is not just asking for us to be afforded the dignity and the voice that we all as humans inherently deserve; belonging means we must also respect all others in the same way and afford them their dignity and voice."

As you consider belonging, think about the following components for yourself. Then reflect on creating a space, place or group where others can belong:

Overall sense of belonging: I feel a strong sense of belonging 

Welcomed: I feel warmly welcomed 

Known: I feel known as an individual 

Included: I feel included 

Supported: I feel supported 

Connected: I feel a strong connection

Community of Belonging:

Conflict resolution practices add up, I hope, to the creation of a community where all belong. As we put into practice the ideas of listening, accepting, collaborating and working to understand each other more fully, the vision is that no one will be other and all will belong

Here are some self-reflection questions from powell's book The Power of Bridging: How to build a world where we all belong:

  • Where in your life do you feel you belong?

  • Where do you feel you don’t belong? Where do you feel like you are other?

  • Who to you is other and why?

  • Can you imagine a world where everyone belongs? What might it look like?

During the holiday season and when you are enjoying your family and community, one way to prevent conflict is to build spaces where all feel belonging --

at work, school, in your home and all the other places you spend time.

Happy Hannukah, the 8 day festival honoring of light, perseverance and family  celebrated by the Jewish world.